The Boot Kidz — Educational

Fun with Maths - Wellington Boot Epicycles

Karen Henry Educational Epicycles Fun Maths Science Wellington Boots Wolfram Alpha

Fun with Maths - Wellington Boot Epicycles

Here are 10 steps to create a Wellington Boot from rotating circles (epicycles). Ref 1: by Mathologer (recommend to subscribe) - Explanation of the maths Ref 2: by anderstood for the code Ref 3: Code file - if you need the code Ref 4: The welly image 1) Create an account (14-day free trial available) at 2) Create a new Wolfram notebook (File -> New Notebook) Paste the following code into the top part of the notebook (takes a few seconds for Wolfram to recognise it): img = Import[""];img = Binarize[img~ColorConvert~"Grayscale"];img = ImageResize[img,100];img = Blur[img,3];pts = DeleteDuplicates@   Cases[Normal@      ListContourPlot[Reverse@ImageData[img],        Contours -> {0.5}], _Line, -1][[1, 1]];center = Mean@MinMax[pts] & /@...

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Wellington Monument, Somerset, England

Karen Henry 2015 2017 Duke of Wellington Educational History

Wellington Monument, Somerset, England

The Wellington Monument is located in the Blackdown Hills along the Somerset-Devon border in south-western England. The Wellington Monument was built to celebrate the Duke of Wellington's victory at the Battle of Waterloo with Napoleon's last stand taking place on Sunday, 18 June 1815.  In 2015, Britain marked the bicentenary (200 years) of the decisive battle, which saw the Duke of Wellington, in whose honour the monument stands, defeat Napoleon in what is now Belgium. The Wellington Monument is a 175 feet (53 m) high. It is 80 feet (24 m) wide at the base.  The foundation stone was laid in 1817,...

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Mannequin vs Manikin Spelling

Karen Henry Educational English Fun manikin mannequin spelling

Mannequin vs Manikin Spelling

We've wondered about the spelling of mannequin or manikin for some time now. We researched this and created this webpage to share this information. It's complicated... How to spell mannequin/manikin...? How do you spell the word? The short answer is: if it's a medical dummy or artists tool then we use the word 'manikin' if it's for a window display or it's clothing related then use the word 'mannequin' if it's a robot or mechanical or artificial intelligence being - then use 'mannequin' if it's a small figure of a human then use manikin (e.g. a toy, doll, puppet, marionette,  or a...

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How the weather works for kids

Karen Henry Article Dew Point Earth Educational Fun How it works Kids Oceans Precipitation Pressure Rain Seasons Sun Weather Wind

  The Sun The Sun makes all weather on the Earth. The Sun heats the Earth's ground, oceans, and air. Only the side of the Earth that faces the sun is heated by the Sun.  The Earth rotates around its axis like a spinning top. Seasons The Earth also revolves around the sun causing the seasons. Winter, Summer, Autumn, and Spring have different temperatures. This is because the Earth is tilted on its axis of rotation. The seasons are Autumn, Winter, Spring, and then Summer. In Autumn the leaves change from green to yellow or red to keep the ground warm and protect the...

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